In urma cu vreo doua luni am inceput un program de antrenament pe Myasics, pentru un semimaraton pe 1 decembrie. Acum nu stiu exact daca voi alerga semimaratonul propus pe cont propriu, in parcul unde ma antrenez, sau voi merge la competitia organizata de domnul Ilie Rosu si Ro Club Maraton, MARATONUL REINTREGIRII NEAMULUI ROMANESC.
Cel mai probabil voi merge pe prima varianta, nu cred ca intereseaza pe nimeni cum alerg eu cu 6 min/km.
Antrenamentele merg bine, am reusit sa ma tin de program, am ratat doar doua antrenamente pana acum. Sunt foarte multumit ca sunt sanatos, nu ma doare nimic si simt efectiv cum progresez.
luni, 21 noiembrie 2011
miercuri, 16 noiembrie 2011
ASICS - "Stop At Never", feturing Ryan Hall
We know enough will never be enough,
We can never be satisfied with fast,
We can never be content with strong,
We'll always need to be faster, stronger, better.
It's not so much that we'll never stop pushing,
Is that WE CAN'T stop pushing,
Because the more we pursue, the more we crave the pursue,
The more we go, the harder it is to stop.
We can never be satisfied with fast,
We can never be content with strong,
We'll always need to be faster, stronger, better.
It's not so much that we'll never stop pushing,
Is that WE CAN'T stop pushing,
Because the more we pursue, the more we crave the pursue,
The more we go, the harder it is to stop.
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